Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Where to Meet Tomorrow and Ticketing... The Big Questions I Keep Getting Asked

There seems to be some confusion about where we are meeting tomorrow morning.  Just to make sure we are all on the same page, you will be meeting us at the international terminal in front of the El Al ticketing area.  You will most likely know you are in the right place when you see the hundred-or-so Birthrighters sitting on their things.

Aileen and I might not be there at 8:00 AM sharp.  Remember, we are coming from a different part of the airport, as we are both flying in and landing at about 7:30 AM.  We will hustle to be with you guys, but look and sit near Syracuse people if you do not see us.

Parents are more than welcome to come in and say hello to the group.  However, once we go through security screening and ticketing, parents will be encouraged to depart.  Obviously, they are not allowed passed security and there really isn't much of a "bon voyage" area to see students off.

As for ticketing, you will receive your ticket after the security screening.  You will be ticketed with your passport and seating assignment, as I understand it, is randomized within the group.  You should be sitting next to someone from our trip (we just don't know who).  Additionally, seat types are randomized.  You can ask when you are ticketed if there are isle or window seats available.

After the flight takes off, you can change seats and sit next to whomever you want.  Just remember that we will not be the only people on the plane.  There will be international travelers of all types.  Other Birthright trips, families, etc.  Please be courteous.


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